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What We Believe At Old Paths Baptist Church

We believe in the absolute authority of the Holy Scriptures. We believe the original manuscripts were given by inspiration of God and were without error. We believe the God who gave His word to man has taken upon Himself the responsibility for its preservation. We believe inspiration without preservation would be meaningless. We therefore believe the incorruptible, inspired, preserved word of God, which cannot pass away, is available to the English speaking world in the Authorized (King James) Version. Every word is exactly what God wants it to be and needs no correction by man. This Bible is our final authority in all matters.


We believe in one God eternally existent as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. These three are equal in every divine perfection, and they execute distinct and harmonious offices in the work of redemption.


We believe God to be the creator and sustainer of all things, visible and invisible. We believe the universe and all that is therein to be held together by the word of His power.


We believe the Lord Jesus Christ to be God manifest in flesh, virgin born, without sin, crucified, risen and coming again to receive His church, and then returning to establish His kingdom.


We believe salvation is available to all men by grace through faith in the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ, apart from human works or merit of any kind.


We believe the saved child of God is eternally secure in the Lord Jesus Christ, and is sealed, taught, and comforted by the Holy Spirit until the day of redemption.


We believe salvation makes one a member of the body of Christ and the members of this body should gather together in a local church where they may minister one to another.


We believe the primary function of the local church is to instruct and teach the saints with the word of God in order that they might be a proper witness to the world.


We believe it is the responsibility of every believer to proclaim the saving gospel to all men by personal testimony and by giving of the means to finance the missionary efforts of the church.


We believe all men rejecting the Lord Jesus Christ will spend eternity in the conscious torment of literal lake of fire, while those receiving the Lord Jesus Christ will spend eternity in the glorious presence of God.


We believe all saved men should be separate from the outward and inner ways of this world, being holy in mind and body. We believe, however that righteousness does not come by keeping of laws and commandments but by an inner change of heart. We therefore place emphasis on the inner condition, trusting the out ward appearance to follow accordingly.


We believe that water baptism by submersion is a public testimony made by the saved Christian and plays no part in salvation or making one a member of the church.


We believe that any attempt by the state to interfere with the working of the church or by the church to interfere with the working of the state is a violation of God’s purpose for both.


We believe in the priesthood of all believers and discredit any fashion of exalting one member of the body of Christ or one gift to the Spirit above another. While there are spiritual gifts still operative in local churches today, other gifts are not.  Speaking in tongues and the working of miracles ceased as the New Testament Scriptures were completed and their authority became established.


We believe that the church is body of which Jesus is the head. Thus it is not a democracy to be run by the will of its member but is to conduct its temporal as well as its spiritual business in strict accordance to the word of God.


We believe Jesus Christ is the head of the church. It has no human headquarters or government outside its walls. There is no denominational hierarchy or massive institution to make rules for or take money from this local body. Our sole accountability is to God and to one another.


Should a person desire to congregate and join this local body of believers they are welcome to do so, providing it has been at least 6 months of faithful attendance to all services, and there are no scriptural reasons to exclude them from fellowship. The Bible would exclude those who are engaged in sexual misconduct, idolatry, drunkenness, homosexuality or any other transgressions which harm the testimony of the church and are against the Word of God.


It is our mission is to seek to reach the lost with the saving Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. We do this through prayer, evangelism, and support of missionaries. We also seek to build up the believer by preaching the word of God. This is done in our organized services in the form of teaching, preaching, or systematic bible teaching through the word of God in our local assembly.

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